District 4
Calhoun, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lexington, Orangeburg, and Richland Counties
4A Representative - Rebecca South (Kershaw, Orangeburg, Calhoun)
4B Representative - Joyce Greer (Lexington/Richland)
Kershaw County:
Quilters of Kershaw County
Douglas Reed House Fine Arts Center of Kershaw County
810 Lyttleton Street, Camden, SC 29020
Meets the 2nd Monday (September-June) beginning at 9:30 am in the Fine Arts Center of Kershaw County
Lexington County:
Palmetto Quilters
700 Fairway Lane, Columbia, SC 29210
Meets the 4th Monday at Seven Oaks Park, 200 Leisure Lane, Columbia, SC
https://www.facebook.com groups/1685002648487569/
Threads of Time
See our website for more information at https://www.threadsoftimequiltguild.com/
South Carolina Longarm Group
Open to all residents of South Carolina that quilt on Rails.
Meets the 3rd Saturday of every odd month from 10:00am-2:00pm, includes pot luck lunch, at Green Hill Baptist Church, Hwy 1, West Columbia, SC
Contact: Joyce Greer - 630p@bellsouth.net
Orangeburg County:
Orangeburg Quilt Guild
4167 Ceric Street, Orangeburg, SC 29118
Meets the 3rd Thursday 9:30am at the Council on Aging, 2570 Saint Andrews Rd, Orangeburg
Every Thursday Quilters
627 Schoolhouse Road, Branchville, SC 29432
Business meeting on 1st Thursday at 1:00-3:00 pm at Orangeburg Lutheran Church, 610 Ellis Avenue
Starlight Quilters Guild
2970 Columbia Road, Orangeburg, SC 29118
Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday at Orangeburg Arts Center at 7:00pm, 649 Riverside Dr, Orangeburg
Edisto Drive Quilter
PO BOX 26, Orangeburg, SC 29116
Meets the last Monday of the month at the Stroman Senior Citizen Center at 1:30pm-3:30pm, 2020 Sharperson Street, Orangeburg
Contact: Jeanette Jeffrey - (803) 664-6357, jeanettejeffrey319@gmail.com
Southern Appliqué Lovers
43414 Neeses Highway, Orangeburg, SC 29115
Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 9:30am at the Orangeburg County Extension Office located at 1559 Henley Street, Second Floor Room 200
Lake Marion Piecemakers
107 Saluda Drive, Santee, SC 29142
Meets 2nd Wednesday at 1:30pm at Trinity Lutheran Church, 390 Hampton St, Elloree, ST
Richland/Lexington County:
Greater Columbia Quilters
Meets at 10am on the third Thursday of the month at Hope Church, 2609 Seminole Rd, Columbia, SC 29210
Logan Lap Quilters of Metropolitan Columbia
PO Box 6516, Columbia, SC 29209
Meets the 3rd Tuesday Monthly 1:00pm at The First Christian Church 2062 N. Beltline Blvd, Columbia, SC 29204
President: Marilyn Catone
The First Christian Church
2062 N. Beltline Blvd, Columbia, SC 29204
We enjoy friendship and community giving projects. Our projects include providing quilts to the Ronald McDonald House, Habitat for Humanity, The Richland Hospital NICU, The Richland County Sherriff Department and Toby's Place.
Devine Quilters
PO Box 50006, Columbia, SC 29205
Meets 4th Monday at 6:30pm at First Presbyterian Church, 1420 Lady Street (at corner of Lady & Bull Streets)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DevineQuiltersInc/
Palmetto Modern Quilt Guild
Meets the 3rd Thursday monthly 6:30pm-8:30pm
First Presbyterian Church
1420 Lady Street (at the corner of Lady and Bull streets)
Part of the Modern Quilt Guild and open to quilters of all levels.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PalmettoModernQuiltGuild/